Here's my little Noah, safe and warm (really warm). I have to say, I have felt so blessed being pregnant this time around. I am still pretty uncomfortable, but I keep reminding myself of the miracle that is causing the discomfort. I have definitely been bitten my the "emotion" bug, and I cry at the drop of a "sad story" hat. This is not common for me! I am so anxious to meet him, and know him, and hold him, and love him, and know that he is healthy and strong. Luckily though, I still have some time. I need to prepare for him, get clothes, diapers, car seats, etc... All of it...oh, and I need to make him a couple quilts (I'll get to it, just right after I finish writing this book...I promise).

Summer, my great friend from across the street, took some pics of me, and had some fun doctoring them up a bit. I had to show off her work. She is great!

Summer and I spent a good part of Saturday taking photos for the "about the author" part of my book. Honestly, I have been less excited about having a picture published of me when I am 6 1/2 months pregnant. Oh well, I had to get over that, and just take the picture. We had a great time spending time together, getting people to look at us, and having sweat pour down my face (gotta love Tucson in the summer and having a extra body adding a little heat of his own). I truly feel blessed to have such a great friend, who would sacrifice her Saturday! Now, I need to choose a photo for the back cover of the book. So, maybe you all can help in the process, I was hoping you could add your opinion (even if I don't know you). Which picture should I use on the back cover? Okay, number 4 might be a joke. So, give your opinion, and I might even listen (or use one of the other 90+ pictures she took).
Hey Sarah, I like number 2 for what it is worth. I understand what you mean about the picture at 6 months pregnant. I like number 2 because you don't look pregnant at all in your face, really you look great! It is exactly how I remember you looking, and I like that you can see your pearls through your collar. They are very "you" if you ask me. I still can't believe you are doing a book. That is REALLY neat for you. And again, you look great. Better than I ever looked 6 months pregnant! Hang in there.
Personally, I think 2 is a little over-exposed. My vote(s) is for #1, OR #5. That's my 2 cents :)
Funny how many things that go into publishing a book that one doesn't think about. I like #1. But seriously they are all beautiful.
#1 and #5 are my votes. You look so cute.
I like #1. In my opinion, it would be perfect for the back cover of your book. #5 turned out nicely, too, but I prefer the casual, laid-back pose of the first one.
Number 1 all the way. But I would vote for 4 if you would really consider it! They all look great and I bet you had a great time sweating it up with Summer!
PS You are crying? I guess for now you aren't dead inside.
how cute are you? love your hair. and the bit about being emotional made me laugh...I am sooo bad while I'm pregnant. I cry at everything. It's embarrassing.
Definitely #1! You look beautiful and I am also very glad to know that you have the ability to cry.
My first choice is: #2
second choice: #3
third choice: #1
I love 2 because your beautiful face just radiates.
Good luck on all the projects on your plate. Love, Mom
You are gorgeous Sarah! I would vote for either #1 or #5. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and the rest of your book writing. Can't wait to see the results of both endeavors!
I REALLY like #1. If I had to pick some runners-up, they'd be 5 and 2 in no particular order.
Bryan says number 2 but use 4 for the christmas card.
I like number 1, but my favorite is the one before it of you on the bench... beautiful!
It's a tough call...the pix of you are lovely. I would pick a picture that depicts your personality, something that would reflect your work/ art. If you want to look professional yet warm and fun I would go with #1 or even #3 (I like the simple smile; do a little cropping and photoshop erase the excess shirt by your R. arm and I think it would work). If you are looking to promote your fun and flirty personality which inspires the choice of colors, fabrics etc...and the title of your book I would go with #2 or even #4 if you want to push the envelope.
But if you asked me to pick only ONE I would pick #1.
You are beautiful !
My vote --- #1 and #5
my vote is #1 or #5..kinda leaning towards #5 though. you are very photogenic. love them all really. can't go wrong! excited to see your book, even though i know nothing about quilting. me and sewing machines don't get along!
Loving 1 and 5.. Great snaps!
I vote #1, seems to be a crowd favorite. You look the most natural and the background is interesting. You look beautiful.
Sarah, now that I knew you did this post (sorry that I had no clue!), my personal favorite is number 1. That was the one that I envisioned after I looked at all the shots. Not because it is the best lighting of them all, but because it just looks like my Sarah. But it was tough to choose. You are so gorgeous. Thanks for letting me spend that time with you!
I think number 3 is the way to go. Love it Love it. You look great and I love your hair!
#1 because it's REAL and because it's YOU! Love you girl! You are one HOT MAMA! Literally... :)
Sarah, I like #1 for the back of the book. You can't even tell you're pregnant in that one. Actually, you look pretty small for as far along as you are. Good luck with the book!
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