Some years ago I was slowly decorating our new home. I wanted to have a picture of the temple to display in my home. The only problem....many of the pictures of temples were (how to say this kindly)...corny. Eventually, I found a beautiful picture of the SLC temple, and I paid dearly for it. And, I still love it.
I have often looked at this picture, and known I could do something in Photoshop that would be (to me) just as good, and sooooooo much cheaper. This year for Christmas, I decided to do a temple theme, and give large framed photos of temples to family members. I have really enjoyed seeing how a simple picture of the temple has transformed into something I love. As neighbor gifts loomed before me, I realized I could do the same thing for them, just on a smaller scale (of course, my neighbors who aren't LDS got something a little different).
Being the cheapskate, I mean thrifty person I am, I wanted to share these with you. I have the Mesa, Seattle, SLC, Albuquerque, and Columbia River temples done. I have a group set up on Costco.com which has all the photos of temples I have altered, ready to order. If you would like to be invited to the group, let me know your email, and I'll invite you. The only catch is you must only use these for personal use.
Happy New Year!
angela davidson's friend Heather here. If you don't mind, I'd love the link to the costco album. I love how you edited the temple photo. happyfam@gmail.com Thanks!
Wow, so beautiful! Will you please add me?
I have been trying to do this for some time and haven't got it right. I would love to be a part of the costco gang. But I also am interested in what you personally do in photoshop. i.e. do you use an overlay, action, etc. Share the secret. Thanks. I enjoy your blog!
add me, add me! shaunacameron1@gmail.com
Thanks, it's a beautiful picture.
I'd love it if you'd add me too! Thanks! laura.whipple at gmail
That is awesome Sarah. Truly beautiful. I want an invite!
I am so bummed because I just barely spent 100 bucks on a similar framed photo from Deseret book. Of course it was the San Diego temple, but I have been searching for the last 10 YEARS for a non-corny photo of this temple.
Regardless, would you add me? I have many family members who were married in Salt Lake and I'm thinking this would be a perfect gift for them! :)
Would you consider doing additional photos, or is it too much work? I'm thinking Denver...
add me! it's lovely!
Ohhhhh, yes please.
And thank you friend for being so perfectly talented. Wish you lived closer so you could come over and teach me how you do these things. I was feeling awfully proud of myself for finally figuring out the basics in PSE.
You have done an amazing job. I love my copy of the Mesa Temple that you did for me, and it's on the shelf of our entertainment center where we can see it every day. Awesome job!
I was totally going to email you about you this, this week. You read my mind. I am in need/want of a columbia river temple picture. I was hoping you hadn't run out and got copyright on it so that I'd have to pay you big bucks! Good think you are cheap, er frugal. Count me in. Thanks.
Perfect! Thanks for the post Sarah....my SIL and I were just talking about doing a picture for my in-laws. I'd love an invite to the Costco site. Question - there isn't a way that you would have us pay you a price and have names and dates added for when people are sealed, would you? I know...once you give something to people they become super needy and picky! I thought I'd ask just in case you were considering though :)
This is Kim Ponczoch's sister. That picture is amazing!!! I'd love to be added to the Costco album if possible.
bethanywhite at gmail dot com
Thanks for all the love on the pics. I am glad these temple pictures can find their way into other homes, and hopefully remind us of the covenants we have made, or hope to make. As much as I would love to make each of these "personal" for everyone, I won't allow myself to. I am barely getting the basics at my home done, and I am afraid if I start...it will snowball into something scary. However, in the upcoming days I hope to show you how to do it yourself, and give a small tutorial on how I made the pictures.
Love that idea. LOVE it! Please include me in the group! How fun, Sarah!
Thank you for sharing. will you add me? cherisegraham@gmail.com
I would love to get the picture, it is beautiful. Did you use a texture overlay at all. I am just learning photoshop so I was just curious.
My email is alanaharkness@msn.com
Hi. I'm friends with Kim Ponczoch. She showed me your temple pics. They are beautiful. I would love to be able to print some off. My email is lindseymangum@mac.com.
Shoot now I have to come out as a blog stalker, but I would love an invite to the Costco group as well. If you have a chance amberandbryan@gmail.com Thanks
Amber (Liddle) Ferre :)
Sarah, that picture is beautiful! Funny, I was recently hanging the picture I have of the temple and had a fleeting thought that I didn't like it so much anymore...I would love an invite to the album so I can get a print!
WOW! I'm super new to photoshop but have been dying to learn more...thanks for the tips! I'd love to be added to the costco album if that's ok..I got married in Mesa and would love to print one of those!
Sarah will you add me too? berrybritt@msn.com. If I sent you an awsome pic of the Rexburg Temple would you be interested in making look fabulous? Let me know.
Will you please add me to your Costco group
Please add me to your costco group. These are amazing! Thanks
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