Sunday, May 18, 2008


I hate to say it, but it is true.  I have noticed that Bj and I are in love with Elizabeth.  I think it is that she is our youngest.  She is still super quirky, she is still learning and growing in a way that is somewhat amazing.  Tonight, I noticed we were both just staring with a big smile on our faces at the way she was eating her spaghetti.  What's up with that?  I wish I hadn't been so bogged down with all the cares I had when Madeline and Mitchell were little.  I wish I could have taken the same time to enjoy the little things they did.  I guess there's no cure for that.  I had 3 kids in 4 years.  It was crazy.  I was insane. But now, I have small moments to stop and be amazed by my four year old.  It is fun.  It is great just to sit and talk to her, and see how her little mind works.

Of course, Madeline and Mitchell amaze me every day with their ways.  They are so big.  Sometimes I think they are older than they are.  Mitchell seems so old to me, and then I realize while we are in Primary that he is actually a pretty small kid.  Mad and Mitch both love to think hard and ask funny questions.  I wish I felt comfortable sharing some of Mitchell's questions as of late, but they have to do with marriage and all its workings. He is fantastically funny, and laughs at almost anything he can.  Oh, and Madeline..... It was interesting to me yesterday when we went out to lunch (to stimulate the economy), what Madeline said about our waiter (who was noticeably effeminate).  "It's like he's trying to sound really nice, but he isn't"....which I might translate into, it's like he's trying to sound like a woman.  Is this when kids start to notice differences in people?  Anyway, it is really fun to watch them growing up.  I love it....these are my shining moments of joy.

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