Monday, April 22, 2013


I'm alive.

Sometimes I think about blogging.  Most of the time, I think I have completely given it up.  Then, I come to my blog to find something I remember from the past.  It is actually useful, to me, at least.  I have recipes, memories, and life here on my blog.  Plus, my favorite songs are on here.  And, now that playlist is playing them again, I might be more likely to write something.

Lately, life is full.  I have grand goals, and small amounts of time.  My greatest goals are to keep my kids happy and safe.  And in my spare time I am writing a second quilting book, and creating another teeny tiny side business.  It's not up and running.  Do you want to know why?  Time.  I need more of it.  Or I need to budget it better.  My first priority is motherhood.  Period.  All that other stuff is neat, or it might help my family to afford piano lessons, and gymnastics, but it isn't necessary.  So, it gets pushed to the open moments of time.  Yep,  we all have tons of open and carefree moments of time.

However, last Saturday, I gave my kids the opportunity to serve me.  They each took a 2 hour time slot to babysit Noah.  It worked amazingly well.  My kids are great.  And, miracle of miracles, I almost finished a whole quilt top.  And, it wasn't a small one either.  It's kinda crazy what a little time can do.

I'm continually plugging along.  Trying to do my best, but knowing if I keep my priorities in line, it will all work out in the end.

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